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Q: A F Z U G L T _  Find the next letter in the above given letter series?

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Answer : 3. "O"
Explanation :

Answer: C) O Explanation: Given series is A F Z U G L T _ Starts with A A + 5 letters = F go to end of alphabet= Z Z - 5 letters = U from F go one more to G + 5 letters = L from U go one back to U, T - 5 letters = O   Second Method :: Change the letters to their corresponding number. A=1 B=2 C=3 ... Z=26 A F Z U G L T _ 1 6 26 21 7 12 20 ? Look at the pattern: the 1st and 3rd numbers = 27, 1+26 the 2nd and 4th numbers = 27, 6+21 the 5th and 7th numbers = 27, so the 6 and 8th would also equal 27. 27 - 12 = 15, so the letter is O.

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