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वह कौन-से मॉनिटर होते है जो RGB विकिरण के समायोजन के रूप में आउटपुट को प्रदर्शित करते है ?

  • 1
    मोनोक्रोम मॉनिटर
  • 2
    कलर मॉनिटर
  • 3
    ग्रे-स्केल मॉनिटर
  • 4
    फ़्लैट पैनल मॉनिटर
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Answer : 2. "कलर मॉनिटर "
Explanation :

color monitor is a type of display that can adjust and display output by manipulating the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) radiation. In a color monitor, pixels are made up of red, green, and blue sub-pixels, and by varying the intensity of these colors, a wide range of colors can be displayed on the screen. Adjusting the intensity of RGB radiation allows the monitor to display different colors and shades, providing a full spectrum of colors to the viewer. This technology is commonly used in computer monitors, television screens, and other displays to produce vibrant and accurate color representations.

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