जॉइन Examsbook
635 0

प्र: Decomposing tasks into smaller activities can be helpful in reducing the amount of stress associated with overwhelmingly large milestones. What is a feature of the hierarchical nature of the WBS?

  • 1
    A WBS hierarchy prevents duplication
  • 2
    A WBS cab be rolled up or collapsed to provide information at the appropriate level for a particular audience.
  • 3
    The decomposition of tasks provides a detailed planning tool
  • 4
    The depth of a WBS is restricted to three levels, which avoids overplanning
  • उत्तर देखेंउत्तर छिपाएं
  • Workspace

उत्तर : 2. "A WBS cab be rolled up or collapsed to provide information at the appropriate level for a particular audience."
व्याख्या :

Answer: B) A WBS cab be rolled up or collapsed to provide information at the appropriate level for a particular audience. Explanation: Answer A is incorrect because the WBS hierarchy does not prevent duplication by itself. Answer C is incorrect because a WBS is focused on deliverables and components or work packages and not on tasks. Answer D is incorrect because a WBS can be sized appropriately to the project size with as many levels as necessary.

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