जॉइन Examsbook
245 0

Select the sentence that contains no spelling errors.



  • 1
    The granduor of the ancient Roman Empire is visible in many monuments in Italy and Greece.
  • 2
    The grandour of the ancient Roman Empire is visible in many monumants in Italy and Greece.
  • 3
    The grandeur of the ancient Roman Empire is visible in many monuments in Italy and Greece.
  • 4
    The granduer of the ancient Roman Empire is visible in many monuments in Italy and Greece.
  • उत्तर देखेंउत्तर छिपाएं
  • Workspace

उत्तर : 3. "The grandeur of the ancient Roman Empire is visible in many monuments in Italy and Greece."
व्याख्या :

Option (C) is correctly spelled; others have spelling errors.

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