जॉइन Examsbook
735 0

प्र: To fill 8 vacancies there are 15 candidates of which 5 are from ST. If 3 of the vacancies are reserved for ST candidates while the rest are open to all, Find the number of ways in which the selection can be done ?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • उत्तर देखेंउत्तर छिपाएं
  • Workspace

उत्तर : 1. "7920"
व्याख्या :

Answer: A) 7920 Explanation: ST candidates vacancies can be filled by C35 ways = 10  Remaining vacancies are 5 that are to be filled by 12  => C512= (12x11x10x9x8)/(5x4x3x2x1) = 792  Total number of filling the vacancies = 10 x 792 = 7920

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