जॉइन Examsbook
1378 0

प्र: Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?

  • 1
    Adam crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't slow his heartbeat.
  • 2
    The storm caused flooding as predicted.
  • 3
    Sneha was a kind person, but she hated people who spread rumors.
  • 4
    Do you want the shrimp or the crab?
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उत्तर : 1. "Adam crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't slow his heartbeat."
व्याख्या :

Answer: A) Adam crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't slow his heartbeat. Explanation: The sentence which contains both an adverb and a conjunction is "Adam crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't slow his heartbeat."   Here, Adverb - Silently and Conjunction - But.

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