Antonyms (Objective Type Question for Competitive Exams)

Rajesh Bhatia6 years ago 2.2K Views Join Examsbookapp store google play


Each of the words below printed is bold is followed by four choices, choose the word or group of words which is opposite of the key word.

Q.1 Bias….

(A) prejudice

(B) tendency

(C) resent

(D) inclination

The correct option is (C)

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Q.2 Coincidence….

(A) incidence

(B) accident

(C) chance

(D) adaptation

The correct answer is option (A)

Q.3 Captivate….

(A) allure

(B) bewitch

(C) charm

(D) repent

The correct answer is option (D)

Q.4 Deter….

(A) encourage

(B) differ

(C) postpone

(D) prorogue

The correct answer is option (A)

Q.5 Distract….

(A) calm

(B) attract

(C) contract

(D) protract

The correct answer is option (A)

Q.6 Obsolete….

(A) up-to-date

(B) antiquated

(C) abolished

(D) disused

The correct answer is option (A)

Q.7 Zest….

(A) gusto

(B) relish

(C) crowd

(D) boredom

The correct answer is option (D)

Q.8 Dilatory….

(A) tardy

(B) late

(C) prompt

(D) delayed

The correct answer is option (C)

Q.9 Malleable……

(A) intractable

(B) dispersal

(C) plausible

(D) inexplicit

The correct answer is option (A)

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    Rajesh Bhatia

    A Writer, Teacher and GK Expert. I am an M.A. & M.Ed. in English Literature and Political Science. I am highly keen and passionate about reading Indian History. Also, I like to mentor students about how to prepare for a competitive examination. Share your concerns with me by comment box. Also, you can ask anything at

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