Average Questions for Bank exams

Here I am sharing the selected average questions for bank exams and other related competitive exams. Here the average means that dividing by the sum of the number of amounts in the result obtained by adding together the data of several quantities together is called the average. Let us practice with these important average questions for better results in the exam. Try to solve these average questions and get score better in competitive examinations.
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Q.1. Out of 10 teachers of a school, one teacher retires and in place of him a new teacher 25 yrs. old joins. As a result of it average age of the teachers reduces by 3 yrs. Age of the retired teacher (in yrs.) is.
(A) 55
(B) 65
(C) 45
(D) 75
Ans . A
Q.2. The average weight of 20 students in a class is increased by 0.75 kg when one student of 35 kg replaced by a new student weight of the new student (in kg) is:
(A) 35
(B) 40
(C) 45
(D 50
Ans . D
Q.3. In a class, three are 40 boys and their age is 16 years. One boy, aged 17 years, leaving the class and another joining, the average age becomes 15.875 years. The age of the new boy is :
(A) 12 years
(B) 14.5 years
(C) 15 years
(D 17 years
Ans . A
Q.4. The average age of 8 men is increased by 2 years when two of them whose age are 21 and 23 years replaced by two new men. The age of the two new men is :
(A) 22 years
(B) 24 years
(C) 28 years
(D 30 years
Ans . D
Q.5. The average age of 30 boys in a class is 15 years. One boy, aged 20 years, left the class, but two new boys came in his place whose age differs by 5 years. If the average of all the boys now in the class becomes 15 years, the age of the younger newcomer is:
(A) 20 years
(B) 15 years
(C) 10 years
(D 8 years
Ans . B
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